Everything an amateur bowyer does to turn a log into a bow throughout the year. Making bows, longbows and primitive bows with all the tips, tricks and problems.
Sunday, 19 March 2023
Further H Bow Update
Still got a much better distance... 285 yards. Hopefully more to come.
Tiller looks very good, looks like there is more draw available too. I'm also getting more confident with the flipper release.
Friday, 10 March 2023
Bow weight reduction
I made a lovely Yew primitive back in 2018. The owner has had some shoulder trouble and asked it I could take it down from 40# to 30#.
I like to keep a bow shooting if possible so he's sent it back for me to work on.
Seeing a bow after 5 years is great as it's like seeing it for the first time... a very handsome bow.
I strung it and had a test shot, it felt very brisk. It's a bit too cold in the garage to work at the mo' but should warm up in a day or too. I'll be sure to take some 'before' and 'after' pics'.
We've had block paving done out the front of the house, they did a good job and luckilly finished before the bad weather kicked in. We had it done the same as next door (who had theirs done a week or so back), it makes it all look bigger and 'of a piece'. I'll have to repaing the garage door now, as the arrow holes spoil the look of it!
It took a lot of work clean out the garage as it was full of concrete dust where they had to cut across the slab across the garage door. I've finally got the dust all out, and it was a good excuse for a bit of a sort out and tidy.