I've had enough of making bows for a while. the next will probably be a warbow in Novenber when the stave is seasoned. Although knowing me I'll probably pick up an odd stave and have a go... that Elder cut in the Spring is V tempting.
There is tons of stuff to get on with.
My brain is chock a block full of stuff from the day job, so it's time for some tinkering and fun stuff without the stress of trying to tiller a heavy bow.
I've embarked on another copper sculpture, this time an archer clout/flight shooting. A similar feel to the first one http://bowyersdiary.blogspot.co.uk/2013/02/copper-archer-sculpture.html
but with a bit more gravitas, I see him heaving back a warbow, but part of the fun is letting it evolve.
I've roughed it out on the bandsaw using a fine blade for non ferrous metals. Cutting thin sheet can be a bit nerve wracking as it can snatch and rattle. Keeping the blade guide low and having two hands on the work helps, (one hand behind the blade). To some extent I'm using it more like a power file taking off small amounts with great care. When in doubt... don't. That's the way to work with a bandsaw.
The last pic shows a bit of steel bar in the vice, I've rounded off the end to act as an anvil. The chunk of Oak with the step cut in it goes in the vice too to provide something to support and push against when filing.
You can see he's a bit ungainly at the moment but hopefully you can see how his weight and balance will be distributed. You can also see how his head is being wrapped around.
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