Sort of winding down to Christmas. Finished at work, but there's loads of shopping and Christmas related stuff to do.
I've escaped to the garage a bit and been working down the sapwood on that next 90# Yew bow. I'll be shooting more arrows through the 70# Yew stick bow too, it seems to be behaving now.
I wasted the whole of yesterday trying to get the PC protection working again after Virgin Media said their security was being switched to a new company.... the link they kindly provided just screwed the PC and I .... blah ...blah...blah... I'm sure you don't want to know the boring details.
Anyhow I'm back online now.
Here's a festive picture for you! Taken a few years back when we had a lot of snow. That Yew tree is just outside our kitchen window and it was smothered in berries that year and full of squirrels & Blackbirds. We get Goldcrests in there too.
I expect I'll be a bit quiet for the next week, so Happy Winter Solstice and the festive greetings of your choice.
I'll doubtless post before the new year to check if you've all been good and have had a visit from Santa.
If all else fails have a nice boxing day walk in the woods and cut a Hazel stave.
Have fun and thanks for all the comments and contacts over the year.
Best wishes to you all
Watch out for Tudor Monastery Farm Christmas Special (Dec 31st 9-10:00) You should catch a glimpse of me and some of my mates. If not, at least the bows they are shooting in the archery bit were made by me.
Merry Christmas! That would be a cool gift to see yourself on tv tillering a bow out, hopefully the producers of the show will have half the sense to show some of it and some of your bows! I will be checking the internet out after the show runs to see if I can find it...