Got a holiday coming up soon, so I'm reluctant to start on anything new. I've been a bit jaded too of late, having made a fair few bows on the trot. the days shortening is always a bit of a downer until we get used to it. Once we get to bonfire night and have a frost we then know where we stand!
I'm still waiting for the return of the Boo backed Yew which is weighing on my mind as I like to get these things sorted and out of the way.
I needed a lift, so...
I took the Yew backed Yew up the club yesterday, it's new owner was warming up with his laminated bow (from a well known manufacturer of laminated bows) at about 30 yards on the field.
He had a look at the new bow, and we realised he wanted stringer grooves (D'oh!) No prob,' I could take it home and do 'em, (it would only take about 20 minutes) and he could then collect the bow.
I strung it and watched as he flexed it a few times nocked an arrow and...
Yup, it flew a good foot over the top of the boss and he had a big grin on his face. That was all I needed to see.
A few of us went round the 3Ds and he was slowly zoning in to the new faster, flatter trajectory. On one of the longer shots (40-45 yards?) he went back another five paces and said he wanted to try it from there.... thwack, straight in the kill!
I left after 18 targets, taking the bow with me so that I could do the stringer grooves. He stayed on shooting his old bow and then collect the new one on his way home. He usually shoots longbow and horsebow, the Yew bow was a bit of a revelation.
I think it's about 5# heavier draw weight than the laminate yet he felt it was smoother and easier to pull. He asked why this was, but I couldn't really give a very good answer. I think it's mostly down to the properties of the Yew, light yet elastic, as the bowyer, I'd love to take a little of the credit too.
I did take some video of him shooting, but the best still from the video makes the bow look awful. The camera is above the centre of the bow and the the slight cant of the bow gives a perspective that makes it look as if the top limb is about twice the length of the lower. I won't post the pic else it will be there on google images.
I've noticed that's one down side of posting pics, the early tiller stages where a bow can look awful appear on google images, and if viewed out of context look like it's a bow made by a novice. Still, hardly the end of the world is it?!
I'm spending the morning having a bit of a clean and sort out in the garage and looking out a stave for the next bow that I've been researching. A Viking style long bow based on the Hedeby bow.
Knowing me, I'll be into it before long... I'm not very good at doing nothing! Sure it's great for 30 minutes, but after that I start looking for something to do!
I've also been looking after my cider and we've picked the pears from our two cordon pear trees. I took the damaged fruit and chopped it up small, stuffed it into a demijohn with some yeasty dregs from a bottle of cider and some left over icing sugar from wedding cake making. I topped it up with warm water and bunged in an airlock. ("bunged in"... see what I did there ? :-) ).
It's started fermenting nicely. No idea how it will turn out, but worst case it will slosh into the cooking!
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