I've been sorting out the central heating, flushing out the indirect hot water heating coil... I was up until midnight... got it done tho'. It left me tired, grumpy and cold (the plumbing is all out in the garage, and I got a bit wet).
This morning I thought I'd take it easy ( having dried my tools and tidied the garage first) and go up the club for their AGB Open Day, show off a few bows, watch the medievals shooting heavy arrows and shoot a few 3Ds to demonstrate field archery to the visitors.
A lovely sunny day, I saw the Hazel Warbow in full flow, it's shot in now at a full 32" draw now and hasn't taken any set.
I demo'd the whistling arrows and shot twister on about 10 3D rubber critter targets, I only needed 2 arrows on one of 'em... it was nice to feel I'd got my mojo back.
I didn't even feel the weight of the bow or consciously think about aiming. I think having an audience helped, I was chatting about how target archers take an eternity and they know the distance of the target...
I said, "This is about feel for the distance and letting your eye and brain do it without trying to think about it".
I added that, having said that, I'd probably miss!
With that, I turned, drew and loosed in one smooth motion... Thud, in the target, just outside the kill at about 30 yards.
Got back home pleasantly tired.
I'll have a nice cat nap and then watch the cup final... might get to work on the bows tomorrow.
The guy collected the Italian Yew 50# on Friday. I got an E-mail saying it shoots really sweet, better than his laminated bow.
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