I got the pond finished yesterday, which was a fun way to spend a sunny day.
It's worked out well as its raining off and on today so I've been working on the bow.
The back has been gone over with a scraper and I've re- checked the string line and narrowed the limbs a bit more. The thickness has been checked along each limb, they've been thinned a good bit and the belly rounded.
The brace height has been increased to about 4 1/2" and it's pulling 80# at about 23".
(last post it was 19" from a 2" brace, so it's moved on a good bit)
The tiller is looking a bit better each time I work on it.
The left (lower) limb is a bit stiff in the outer half, but the right is looking pretty good.
This poundage interpolates to about 110# at 30" so I've still got a fair amount to remove.
Removing wood to get the tiller right will move the draw length inexorably onwards. Once it's near 26-28" I'll put the horn nocks on.
Update:- 4pm. It's now back to 80# at just over 26" which interpolates to about 93# @30" so you see I'm getting closer. The tiller is much better now, the left is flexing more on the outer and the slightly stiff bit mid limb on the right is coming round.
It's taken a little set, but it had some deflex in the middle of each limb to start with, not to mention the big deflex on the upper limb.
Looking good. Might get the nocks on tomorrow.
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