I'm making some progress on the Summer house. It's all a bit ad hoc, I have been nailing the curved beams up temporarily to allow me to get measurement for the door etc. I've added some gusset plates at the corners to give it all more rigidity. Ideally I'd like the curved roof to jut out a bit, but that would then foul on the top edges of the doors as they swing open.
There was a good bit of rain last night and I was glad I'd put polythene over the floor, I swept the water out before getting to work this morning in between the showers. I have to keep packing away the extension lead and power tools every time I stop for a cuppa in case it rains.
The pic gives a good idea of how it will look when finished, it has a hint of the old fashioned Gypsy Caravan about it.
There's a name for your Summer Huis right there Del......."Arfur".....arfa Caravan! I can see Miss kitty sitting on top of that the moment you finish the roof, if not before! LoL