I've glued on a riser block from a off cut of old Yew. The Boo is prepared and I've got the limbs to a reasonable thickness taper buy marking out and very very carefully trimming off the excess from the belly on the bandsaw with a fine cut blade (6 tpi) Using a squared block of timber as a guide to press the back against to ensure a cut parallel to the back.
I need to trim a slight taper to the stave and the boo to help it all line up for gluing, also I have to work out if and how I'm going to glue in any deflex or reflex. I don't have a long enough length of 2x2 to clamp it to for glue up, but I've remembered I have some very long bits of Aluminium extrusion left by the installers of our solar panels from a few years back ... I knew they would come in handy :-)
I'll hopefully get it glued tonight so it will be cured by the morning, but I won't risk rushing it.
The thickness and taper is all just educated guesswork, hopefully it should be in the right ball park. I had a look at my hickory backed yew 80# @ 32" longbow as a rough guide, but it's a different style bow and the boo will be tougher than the hickory. It will be interesting to get it up on the tiller for the first time in a day or two.
Got the glue up done, bound with rubber strapping and clamped to give a hint of deflex/reflex.
I also added a thin sliver of Yew (about 4mm) to the back before the glue up just to add a gentler fade and a little extra depth at the grip.
looking forward to unwrapping it tomorrow!
Hi Derek, Just thought you might like this.
Brilliant! Thanks for sharing the link :-)