I managed a try out with the flight bow, even though it's not finished yet. I'd glued a bit of feather (from a cut down flight) to act as an arrow rest, (see close up pic) it seemed to work well as the arrows left the bow very cleanly.
The first two shots were a bit tentative with a cut down regular arrow and a flight arrow, the latter going predictably further at 251 yards. I then tried again getting a fuller draw and a cleaner loose ... 299 yards!
Pretty good considering the bow is unfinished.

JT tried a variety of flight arrows from the 120# Warbow and, it beggars belief, we lost one. The field has been mown and the hay collected, as you walk towards the arrows they are visible from about 50 yards sticking up. He'd shot the 5 bamboo arrows of different spines, and then the 2 pine flight arrows. I watched 'em go and had a good line on both of 'em, yet one was nowhere to be seen. We could only guess that it has maybe hit a stone and not stuck up straight, there were bits of dried grass all over the field an finding an arrow lying flat would be V difficult.
We gave up eventually having drawn no great conclusions about the arrow performance, other than maybe the loose is as important as anything else.
Update:- Got ready for my Yew harvesting trip tomorrow and heat treated one limb of the flight bow while keeping an eye on Emily and Andy Murray who has just won the singles at Wimbledon.
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