That will be great as it will give me a chance to shoot "in the bow" at a full medieval type draw with a manageable weight.
I'm also splicing up the Oregon Yew from which I've removed the bug eaten sapwood ready for a bamboo backing.

The Oregon Yew has been more carefully prepared and is sawn more square where the sapwood has been sawn off. The other Yew has been cut from a nice half a log which I've had for ages, and being much thicker and not trimmed square was much trickier to mark out and saw accurately.
The wood has some odd features where changes back and forth from heartwood to sapwood. Being cut from the same log you'd think the heart/sap boundary would be consistent and match perfectly, but that's just not the case, as wood doesn't behave in a consistent convenient manner. (See pic bottom left)
In the picture of the log the tape measure is opened out to 36" so you can see I had plenty of length to play with.
Now the splices are cut I've trimmed both staves down to 78" which still gives me plenty of length.

I'll get 'em glued up this afternoon.
On the chunky English Yew billet you can see how I've just run a string line straightening it out to give me a reference line for marking out the splice. Those billets being much thicker required a fair bit of adjustment to get the splice to mate up nicely, whereas the thinner Oregon billets went together with just a little trimming of the tip of the pointed end.
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