I'm like a kid waiting for Christmas, because this time next week I'll be at the
Tennessee Classic !
Over a year ago one of the guys on
Primitive Archer (PA) asked what I'd think if an Airline ticket to the Tennessee Classic landed on my doormat?!
Well at first I was a bit stunned and full of British reserve, saying I couldn't possibly accept such generosity, but then got to thinking that if I didn't do it now while I'm young and fit ;-) at a mere 62 I never would, so I gratefully accepted the offer.
It all went quiet for about a year and then all of a sudden the game was afoot! The guys on PA were raffling bows, knives, carved walking sticks and donating their dollars to the 'Get Del To The Classic' fund.
Their generosity is astounding and I'm just hoping I don't disappoint! Well, even if I do, they can at least have a laugh at my accent and quirky British ways (mustn't forget to pack some tea!).
I'm tweaking and cleaning up 3 bows to take amongst other things for trade, gifts and 'thank you's.
I've heat treated and straightened the deflexed lower limb of my sidenocked Yew longbow as a trade for a native American style bow from Rich who makes stunning short bows. Swapping a longbow for a shortbow will be interesting for both of us!
Some of the guys over there tend to use a shorter draw, possibly the influence of the native American shorter bows? Maybe it's just better for hunting... that's the sort of thing that I can find out.
The heat treatment and removing the deflex has made the tiller look much nicer and restored the draw weight a bit. I'd recently tested it on my new digital scale at 47.8# at 28", it's now 49.5# at 28" and about 42# at 25" which is Rich's short draw.
I'm hoping it will see some hunting, the thought of an English Yew longbow bringing down a deer for meat is very satisfying and harks back to reading Robin Hood stories as a kid.
Meanwhile I'm hoping to try the Monkey bow at the club over the weekend and then I'll be packing the bows and getting ready to travel. The thought of a long haul flight and jet lag isn't very endearing, but I'm sure that being amongst fellow bowyers with their own entirely different heritage, styles, timbers and techniques will be enthralling. The adrenalin and the notorious colourless liquid should quash any ill effects of the travel. I'll have my camera and note book at the ready and I'll doubtless be holding forth myself if anyone is unwary enough to ask me about ELBs ! There is a Yew stave waiting out there for my attention too, another generous act, hopefully I can turn it into some kind of bow over the three days... no pressure then!