I've put some polythene sheet over the floor with it hanging over the edges to help keep any rain from soaking into the cut faces. Two stud work walls are up with temporary supports made from off-cuts on the bigger wall. I've sawn the notched pieces to form the inner face of the curved beams and got one glued and screwed, the glue will cure over night. I'll have to be careful to make the second one a mirror image rather than identical.
The screw held the two pieces together nicely so that I could then handle it to get the clamps on... can never have enough clamps. It would have been a nightmare without the screws.
Blimey! Are you sure that's a Summerhouse you're building there Del and not an Ark? Have you seen Morgan Freeman on your travels in Harlow recently, or experienced a sudden acceleration in beard growth?.......just wondering.
ReplyDeleteJay Tee-Hee
You'll all be wantin' come inside once the bar is installed ;-)