I needed a good clear out, but as I started I found some plywood and thought I could make some drawers for my archery stuff which is all over the place at the mo'.
Wouldn't it be nice to have a draw for 5/16" fittings, one for 11/32", one for string making materials etc?
I've been meaning to do it for ages, I measured up and decided to go for 7 drawers (I was trying to think of some sort of bad 'Snow White and the seven drawers' joke [groan] but couldn't come up with anything).
Anyhow the drawers are progressing, they're a bit rough and ready, but it's used up some scrap, hasn't cost a penny and will result in an increased coefficient of garage tidiness. It's not taking too long as I could do most of the cutting on my table saw or bandsaw.
Here's some pics, now I was going to use my little 'snap' camera to take a pic of my decent camera on the mount, but of course the batteries were flat! So the little 'un is on the mount instead.
It doesn't really show, but the mount is adjustable in tilt and pan for alignment. Very rough and ready again, but it does the job and I couldn't get a tripod into that position. The knob which screws up into the camera is just an old bolt with some big plywood washers glued onto it and then turned on my "poor man's lathe" (The pillar drill), I think it adds a sadly needed touch of class.

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