Friday 30 October 2020

H Bow

I was tidying the garage/workshop when I came across a skinny strip ofYew cut off the corner of a big quarter stave of Austrian Yew. I thought I might make a quick miniature...but why not two fixed side by side like a letter H ?
Long story short, I did it, the big decision was to heat bend the limbs so that they met at the tips with about 1" gap at the centre. The advantage being that it allows a single string.
I contrived a cunning extended grip arrangement so that I could draw the 17" draw ( the bow is 34.5" ntn) and still anchor at my normal place. This might be quite a punchy little flight bow, I was aiming for about 40# at 17".
Some tentative shots were promising and I posted some video on my Youtube channel (Del Cat)... I'd been posting the progress all along.
What would it do through the chrono... ?
First short draw shot 140fps.
Fuller draw 160fps...
Third shot... BANG

It exploded, one of the lower limbs blowing out between two small knots... really need clean wood for a flight bow.
I did a video autopsy too.

Wednesday 14 October 2020

A bit more on the Horn Bow

 I've been rather busy making a cot for my win granddaughters, they are getting a bit big for sharing the first one I built. I had a quick look at the horn bow, and the last correction I did to help remove the sideways bend/twist seemed to be a partial success. The string was still pulling over a bit, but not as bad, however that limb was now looking weak as some of the sinew was lifting. I did some more correction with hot water and dry heat from the hot air gun with bow clamped up, this seems to have worked, but I also need to add more sinew to that limb, which I'll probably do with it clamped up in position to help prevent the sinew pulling any bend or twist back, or the heat of the glue and sinew causing the correction to relax out.
The sinew work will require considerable time to dry out (months) so I'll get back to some other bow making once that's done.
I did a video to show the progress.