Saturday 29 October 2022

Yew Stick Bow

 Back last Autumn, I cut a branch off the Yew in the back garden that was overhanging the patio (on instruction from the missus). It was an oval cross section at the base about 3" x 4". There were plenty of knots and bends in it, but just for fun I roughed it out on the bandsaw to a half round section and strapped it up to a length of 3x2 to season.
It needs some steam bending but the wood is a lovely colour and works nicely.
I've started work on it and been videoing the process.

Monday 3 October 2022

3D shoot and some Rowan

 I went to the Cloth of Gold (CoG) field archery club's 3D shoot. First 3D shoot I'd been to for over a year
, it was excellent, the course had been totally re-layed so it was all new unfamiliar shots. I had belly ache the previous night and didn't feel up to par, but a good walk in the woods helped to work it off. The course was 20 targets double pegged, so first time round you shot from the A pegs, and 2nd time from the Bs... sometimes there were also different targets from each peg. I didn't bother scoring and actually blanked the first target which was a small fox and rat with one arrow at each. After that I settled down and didn't blank any more. I was shooting pretty well in a friendly group of 4.
I met up with my mate Rob who'd brought a couple of Rowan staves for me and I gave him a 90# Boo/Hickory/Yew that I'd made for him, unfortunately we weren't shooting in the same group.
By the time we got round to the catering tent after 22 targets, I was tiring, so I just had a cup of tea and made my way home... 
Thanks to all at CoG for their hard work and organisation.

I've not used Rowan before, so it'll be another one to add to my list of woods that I've made bows with. I had a quick try with the draw knife to get a feel for it, I was expecting it to feel like Ash as it looks very similar, coarse grain and pale colour, but it was more like Hazel or pine, it cut very well, smooth and creamy. There is some darker heart wood in  the staves and that felt a little crisper. I've not decided what type of bow yet, but the wonkier stave will probably be a primitive, maybe really wide like a paddle bow? I've not done a really wide bow yet. Maybe try a longbow/warbow from the straighter stave.