Saturday 13 January 2024

Dear Diary a log and repairs

 Sometimes video isn't the best format for keeping track of stuff when there is a lot of it!
I've been pressing on with the Hickory flight bow rework despite multiple failures, as it seems to be providing opportunity for experimentation and learning for relatively little expenditure of time and effort.

Meanwhile one of the guys from our 'club' (a bunch of blokes who lob arrows around a field between sampling flavoured rum and eating cakes) brought me a 5' length of Yew log and a bow which I'd made him a few years ago, but was now too heavy. He wanted the 70# boo, Yew, Lemonwood taken down to 50#).

I then got contacted via facebook about a bow repair, it turned out to be a Ravenbeak bow (Boo,Yew,Yew) that I'd repaired before to patch a belly chrysal. It looks like the chrysal has returned and presumably the patch needs to be thicker and more extensive (Maybe there is a weak area in the core ?)

Mean while I've decided to cut the yew log into 4' billets as the thin end was a bit scruffy. The log is still very fresh and green and my 3tip alternate set bandsaw blade was worn out. I started to sharpen it, but soon gave up and ordered two new blades (from Just Bandsaw Blades).

So while I'm waiting for the bandsaw blades I need to have a good tidy up. Th bloke will be bringing the Ravenbeak repair over on Wednesday, so that will be an excuse to have a go with the Chinese repeater etc.