It's very narrow at the grip and I've added an extra belly strip to provide extra strength over the splice.
Monday, 29 February 2016
Heart Wood Belly Added
It's very narrow at the grip and I've added an extra belly strip to provide extra strength over the splice.
Wednesday, 24 February 2016
Yew Heartwood Belly Strips
This is all just a bit of an experiment, if I was doing it from scratch I'd have more heart wood and less sap, or at least 50/50. It will be interesting to see what this thin layer of heartwood will do for the bow.
I'll glue it up with the deflex pulled out, not quite sure how I'll strap it up to achieve that, or how I'll clamp up round the tips.
Dunno if I'll get it glued up today, there's a hard frost and I have a bit of a cold, which means my concentration span is down to about 5 minu..
Sunday, 21 February 2016
Yew Sapwood Bow Full Draw... and a bit more!

To have pushed it this far has taken some decent wood a bit of skill, patience and an awful lot of luck.
As kids and beginners we mistakenly want to make short bows with fancy curves and long draws an infeasible draw weights. Experience and luck are wonderful things.

Update:- First test shot hit dead centre! You can feel the bow stacking (draw weight increases sharply like hitting a brick wall) it gets to full draw. I was pulling it to about 26.5" but it shoots quite sweetly. Skinnier lighter arrow would be interesting, I might try some of my medium flight arrows through it (I don't want to risk smashing my lightest ones).
Just for completeness I'm adding a picture of the bow after some final tweaking, showing the tiller at my actual 27" draw length, mainly 'cos someone criticised the tiller on the unfinished bow (presumably without reading what was said...groan). It doesn't profess to be perfect, it's a bit of experimental fun.
Video of it being shot here:-
Saturday, 20 February 2016
Yew Sapwood Shorty

Note:- I've adjusted the scale on the tiller rig to measure true draw length from the back of the bow, (as this bow is much slimmer than most bows).
I'll see how much set it's taken and make some more tiller adjustments to see if I can coax it back closer to my normal draw length. Maybe I should make a string and shoot it before it explodes so that it will at least get to shoot an arrow or two.

The lower (left) limb is looking much better now and the hinge is less apparent although it does look thin, some of the thick and thin spots in the limb are more about twist than actual thickness.
With such a shot bow and relatively long draw I may have to shoot it with a thumb release or maybe just two fingers.
A little more work on the stiff spot, then I'll make a string.
This all illustrates that it's easy to make a bow but hard to make a good one, I had a shootable bow in about an hour or two, but since then I've spent ages flipping the tips adding belly patches to the tips, improving the tiller, shaping nocks and the flipped tips exacerbate the natural twist in the limbs so I'm now using heat to rmove the twist to get the string tracking correctly on the tips. All good fun and all a learning experience.
Friday, 19 February 2016
Yew Sapwood Mini Bow

On Primitive Archer one of the guys suggested a contest to see who could get the most draw length/bow length for a 40# self bow. This got me to thinking that Yew sapwood is very supple and most of the offcuts are sapwood. Unfortunately most are triangular section from the edges of the logs and there's not enough wood for 40#, but I wanted to have a play anyhow.
I roughed out a quick bow about an inch wide and roughly tapered it on the bandsaw and a bit of spokeshave work.
A quick try on the tiller shows how supple it is. The tiller is off with a bit of a weak point mid limb on the right limb, with the left limb and grip being a tad stiff.
Still it may be instructive to post a bow with bad tiller to show how it looks, it's how we learn, and that's exactly what I'm doing here.
I've not played with a just sapwood bow, I may try heat treating it and I've already "flipped the tips"(putting in a sharp recurve). It's about seeing what draw length and weight I can get out of it, it's only taken about an hour or two, admittedly using the bandsaw, but it shows how quick and easy it can be to experiment. In putting the sharp recurve in one tip I managed to get a bit of a splinter lifting on the belly, but I just rasped and sanded it out and glued on a V thin slat of sapwood (about 1/8"). That's now curing over my bench light with a 100watt bulb in it.
By easing off the grip and the left limb, the hinge in the right will be less stressed, I can always heat treat that area, but I expect it will just even out as I improve the tiller.
I did my usual trick of leaving the bark on and it has popped off (except at the very tips) leaving a lovely clean back which has a yellowish tinge
I'm hoping for about 30# @27" from a 47.5" bow !
Despite that huge bend it has taken very little set.
The real point of this is to show that you can make a small 20# bow relatively quickly and easily... if you have some decent seasoned wood. To take it further to 30# and then maybe higher, that's when the extra time patience and experimentation comes in. So don't be too ambitious with a first bow if you want that quick hit of success, but don't be scared of tinkering and improving to find out what the wood will do.
This one may well explode before it reaches 27" draw, but hopefully I'll catch it on video if it does!
Monday, 15 February 2016
More Splicing Igor!
Talking of which, the area behind the bandsaw is now littered with thin offcuts where I've gradually reduced the wood. That will make some nice kindling for my big Sis' wood burner.
With the warbow billets I marked out the Z splice as 6" long and 40mm wide. I went for extra length as my "Warbow Explodes" post (where the sapwood failed at the splice) is the most viewed post on the blog. I usually go for 4" and 30mm wide for more normal draw weights.
You can see the remains of the masking tape on the splice, I wrap the tape round to help the glue say in place and fill any small voids, also stops it running out and making a mess. For perfect fitting splices you can steam or boil them and clamp them up, once cooled they will be a perfect fit. I just try for a good fit by repeated fiddling and fettling, with rasps, files, bits of old saw blade and lots of holding them up to the light and patience. It's easy to think you have a good fit, but then you look at the back and find there are gaps on that side. On the plus side, with a taper fit, sometimes just a tiny bit of wood removal at a tight spot will allow the joint to push in much further.... did I mention patience?
I then clamp 'em once they are glued, fine gaps up to the thickness of say a business card are ok, and bigger ones are ok if they can be squeezed closed with light pressure.
Friday, 12 February 2016
Billets and Splices
I mark my splices out as 30mm wide even if the stave is much wider, that's why they look a bit skinny. If you mark out using the full width of the stave a lot of the splice will disappear as the bow is made and you loose a lot of the glue line/glue area.
The skinniest pair look V thin, but there is actually plenty of wood there for a bow. I've also got 'em plenty long enough (about 80" minimum)
The splices are just sawn out, they will needs cleaning up to get a good fit and maybe even steaming and clamping up, which gives a perfect fit. I did two splices no prob, but then got sloppy and completely messed up the third... I think I measured 10 mm instead of 15. I just sawed 1" off each splic re-marked and sawed 'em again, you see why I allow extra length.
I've cleaned up the worst splice, to help get deep into the 'V' I stuck some abrasive paper onto a piece of sawblade using double side tape (from Poundland) see pic'.
Mean while the Yew AFB has had several coats of Danish Oil and has been signed, yesterday I noticed some chatter marks from the scraper on the back. They only show when the light is just right, so I sanded them down, which of course means redoing the Danish oil on that limb... the devil is in the detail and it would have spoiled the look of the bow if I hadn't taken out the marks.
Tuesday, 9 February 2016
Money Well Spent
It's very difficult to get good pictures of the bow showing the heart/sap wood contrast, or the growth rings in the sapwood.
I've had another go before wiping it with Danish Oil to see if they come out better. My bows invariably look better in the hand than in pictures, which is probably just as well as it avoids disappointment!
I've shot a few more arrows through it, and it seems to group very well, I had a go with the 11/32" 100gn points and they flew cleanly too hitting home hard.
Mick the blacksmith will be over tomorrow to test shoot it with his arrow so we can see if it needs some tweaking.
Monday, 8 February 2016
AFB Full Draw

I put it back on the tiller and took some video, here's a couple of stills, unbraced and full draw.
It looks slightly stiff in the outers, but that's due to the unbraced shape, but maybe the outer 1/3 of the left limb could have a few scapes off it.

Sunday, 7 February 2016
Yew AFB Ready for a String
I'm near as dammit to full brace and full draw. I noticed the draw length is actually 1/2" more than I've been measuring due to the deep grip making the bow sit high on the tillering tree. My measure can actually be adjusted up and down to compensate, but I rarely bother as it's usually only + or - 1/4" out.
Lots of cleaning and finishing, but she's just about there. I'll post a full draw pic when it's got a decent string and is all prettied up.
Friday, 5 February 2016
Effect of Heat Treating One Limb
I did a brief video to show some of the process:-
Here's a pic of the bow braced after having done just one limb. The difference between to two limbs is very obvious. Note:- I didn't draw the bow as it would over strain the untreated (weaker) limb.
Why does it need heat treating a second time? The heat treatment probably only penetrates 3 or 4 mm and during tillering some of that wood has been removed, also the bow will inevitably take a little set.
I'll go out and do the other limb now.
Thursday, 4 February 2016
Yew AFB Getting Close

Wednesday, 3 February 2016
Grip Roughed Out
I've really got my mojo back and Sophie the cat is much more active today, rubbing everything and purring which has cheered us all up!
I'm really enjoying this bow as it's a style I've not done before, I think the heart/sapwood running through the grip will look stunning. Hopefully it will be a bit special.
Tuesday, 2 February 2016
Back in the Saddle
I cycled in to work this morning, a bit chilly but I took it easy and it was quite enjoyable, plenty of bird song to cheer me along.
I did the deflex bend on the AFB at the fades with steam last week.
Yesterday I sketched out the reflex for the rest of the limbs on some plywood and cut out a template to heat treat it with an aim to having zero or maybe a whisker of over all reflex. E.G Placed with back towards a straight it would touch at the tips and the handle or maybe with the handle just a little raised.
It's looking pretty good, as at brace and full draw it shouldn't have any visible reflex,
E.G The limbs should only curve in one direction.
Here are some pics. The middle one shows it after one limb has been reflexed
Thanks for all the kind wishes about my health. Soph' and I are both pretty much back to our old selves, although Soph' seems to be a tad withdrawn, but she's got her appetite back and is contented enough.
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