Anyhow as few hours of chatting and reworking improved the tiller, the look of the tips and brought down the draw weight, he was interested to watch the process and was amazed how little wood came off to first adjust the tiller and then drop the weight.

The change in tiller is rather subtle but you can see the poundage has dropped a good bit.
While he was here he had a go at reshaping a horn nock on one of his other bows, it had started to wear and split on the lower nock which was far to pointed to withstand the rough service it gets in use. A few minutes with rasp, file, wet and dry paper and the buffing wheel and he'd done a fine job. It was great to give someone the confidence to have a go, as until one has worked horn, it's all a bit of a mystery. We had a go on some scrap first to get the feel for it.
The Monkey bow had a bit of a work out too, if you make the video full screen, you can see the Monkey face nicely.
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