It's an inner ear infection and very frustrating as I felt ok as long as I didn't move my head. I didn't even feel up to making a string for the bow.
I feel a bit better this morning, still a bit queasy but I can move about steadily and I can sit at the computer.
If it warms up a bit I may make the string this afternoon, I can't abide enforced idleness.
I'm sort of treading water doing this rather scruffly post, I expect I'll be back to my old self tomorrow, meanwhile here's a few pics... I can't be bothered to crop 'em.
There's another filled pin that goes through the edge too, that my well pinch a little. I'll give that area some attention too.
I was going to do a sketch but I've just run out of energy... I'll go and have a cat nap instead!
You can see the bow has been scraped and sanded, just about ready for some Danish Oil. I've branded it with my bowyer's mark too.
The nocks are rather handsome, I like the pale nocks on a warbow.
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