Monday, 24 January 2022

First Time Out This Year

 I felt I was going stir crazy and needed to get out, so I went roving with the lads (old duffers) at Boyton Cross. I took a Yew bow that I've been working on, it was a bit of a forgotten bow which I think I'd made about a year a go as a try out for someone to see if they could manage the weight before making them something else. Anyway, someone contacted me wanting 80# @ 31" so I tried it on the tiller and it was 80# @ 26"and I've been working it down slowly over the last week. It was about 85#@30" so i thought I'd give it a work out... mind I've not shot for months and I was struggling, probably only got it back to about 29"
It was good to get out, fresh air, exercise, a tot of black cherry rum before we started and a couple of lovely frangipane cakes midday. As my mate JT said it's turning into a drinking club with an archery problem!
I'll try the bow on the tiller later today and see if it's settled in a bit.
All the work on the bow is on the You tube channel of course (Del Cat)
Update:- The bow is finished now, see pics.

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