Thursday, 30 June 2022

Yew Prod Finished

 I went back and forth doing steam corrects, first adding deflex,  removing some of it, removing twist and generally trying to make it as symmetrical as possible so that I could judge the shape on the tiller. It's much harder to judge the curve on a short bow than a long one...obviously if you peer down an arrow shaft you can see if it's straight, but you see so well if it 's only 6" long!
I haven't had it back on the tiller yet since the last correction, but I'll add a pic and some figures for draw length and weight later. I have had it to 100# @16" before that. But with a crossbow you have to make allowance for an inch or so to actually cock the latch/trigger mechanism. So a 14" draw would probably be safe.
Here are some dimensions for reference.
Yew Prod, 39 1/2" nock to nock
Dimensions in mm, to 1 decimal place
Centre      37.6 x 14.5
4" along   35.1 x 21.0
8"             34.2 x 20.7
12"           31.6 x 17.3
16"           26.8 x 15.7
18"           24.1 x 14.5 :- note this measurement is only 2" from previous not 4" like the others.
The second pic shows the slight upsweep in the prod, this helps to lift the string line up level with the top of the track/stock/deck (whatever you like to call it), to minimise friction and string wear. It shows the nock overlay and stringer grooves nicely too.


It's finished now... here it is full draw 100# @ 15"

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