Tuesday, 13 December 2022


 We had about 4" of snow and it's been B cold. I was going a bit stir crazy stuck indoors... well not really stuck, I did go out to clear the path and make a snow man (My missus added eyes and a smile out of raisins). Anyhow, I had a bit of a tidy in the garage, which wasn't too cold as it gets some heat from the central heating pipes that run through it. Some of my staves had been taken down from the shelf to allow be to drill a big hole into the kitchen to vent the cooker hood to the outside world (via the garage). Two staves were large halves of a log about 4 1/2" diameter. I decided to tidy one half up, but was dissapointed with the results... it seemed to be full of checks and splits and streaks of black... maybe it'll look better as it's gradually reduced to bow dimensions. the other half looked better, but by the the bandsaw blade had snapped and I was ready for a cuppa. Still it gave me a breath of air and tidied the garage a bit. 
Dunno if I'll post again before 2023, so Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to one and all.


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