Monday 14 October 2024

Good Day at the Club

 I went to our Sunday rove, despite a stinking cold. I had a Yew stick bow to hand over, to replace a smashed 35# Yew primitive. I also collected the smashed one for a post mortem (I couldn't see any problem, other than it being in two pieces!). The stick bow, performed beautifully with arrows flying out with not even a hint of waggle.
I was given a couple of bottles of wine by another guy as a thank you for making him the "Robust Yew Primitive" with which he won his last 3D field shoot.
I wasn't up to shooting having had a flu jab and covid jab in my upper arms the day before, but I had a good natter with the guys, a tot of medicinal rum and I walked out to the first mark with them.
The weather was lovely and a breath of fresh air did me a power of good, knackered by the time I got home though!
Out of interest, I sawed a cross section of the failed bow, near where it broke. It shows rather nicely how deep the heat treating penetrates, how I'd maintained a fairly even thickness of sapwood, despite the heart/sap boundary not following a ring.

Tuesday 8 October 2024

Arrow Speed Testing

 I finally got round to testing the reworked shoot through flight bow, (a Hickory Mollegabet, with heat treated Yew belly). It did 216 fps, but jarred my hand and elbow terribly. Investigation confirmed my theory that most hand shock is caused by an uncomfortable grip. Obviously the light flight arrow and high speed is a big factor too.
I've done some reshaping of the grip and ordered some 3mm neoprene foam sheet to pad out the grip, before re-testing. I think there is still a good 2 inches of draw to be had, so I'm optimistic about its performance.
Video of the speed testing here:-
Video of the bow here:-