I was keen to have a good solid clean sapwood back on this bow. No point doing a load of work making a bow only to have it explode and to then look at it and say "Ah yes I see why it broke there!"
Click on the pics to see 'em full size for detail.
First stage was to rasp off the corner of the bow in a gentle scoop, this is where the patch will be, this exposes more of the dry loose knot and more heartwood. I don't want to take the scoop out much deeper, so I make a V groove into the dry knot and heart wood which I can fill with a wedge of sapwood. This groove still leaves some of the dry loose knot, which I dig out and fill with epoxy and Yew dust mix.
I view the bow as almost 3 layers 1/3 is belly which is in compression, and in this case has a good sound knot. The central third is pretty much neutral and not under so much strain so I don't mind filling it with Yew dust/Epoxy, but I certainly don't want a cavity or unsound wood. the outer 1/3 is IMO the most important and I want that to be good sound sapwood.
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