I've done the son of Il Bastardo, pretty much roughed out to the same dimensions with about an inch and a half extra length, Yew heartwood with a quarter sawn Ash backing.
Even with a guide it took a lot of concentration to get a reasonable strip (about 1/4"). With some planing and sanding, this was reduced to give clean flat strip of about 3/16" with only one slight waggle in the grain (and that is at the grip).
I took a video of it on the tiller getting close to completion, since then I've fitted the horn nocks and had it to 90# @27".
I've been doing a bit to the crossbow project too, I've made some string catchers/buffers from rubber doorstops supported on turned Aluminium pillars. The Aluminium is decent quality aerospace grade alloy (7075) which machines much nicer than the bog standard stuff. (Note one limb is still covered in masking tape).
I've also re- tillered an reduced bow for a friend, taking about 20# off it and straightening out the sideways bend a bit! I replaced the hideous nocks too. I don't really know how people have the nerve to sell bows with nocks like that?
That's a good looking child.